I love helping career driven women make the shift “from doing to being” while prioritizing themselves so they can find and follow their path!

Things in my life were good for a very long time. I had figured life out and things were working really well. I had a good career, happy marriage and a vibrant community. Everything was running smoothly.

How could it be any different, I spent all my time figuring out how things should be and making them that way.
Does this sound like you?

You remember having the same argument with your partner night after night. They told you - “you have stopped responding you are reacting”. You honestly thought they were nuts.

How you felt at the time is that we would have an argument, they would get really mad because “I wasn’t paying attention”. You would listen as hard as you could to get the right answer, “the rule” to follow.  

The only problem was the next night you would use “the rule” and it was wrong, again. How infuriating!

 When you finally realized that if you put yourself on the top of your list. Or at the very least somewhere on your list of priorities and started taking care of yourself you are a nicer person. Nicer to yourself and nicer to the people around you.

It’s so counterintuitive - when I help myself, I am actually helping the people around me!

Wow what a revelation!

You know there are many layers to getting yourself to put your name on your list.
It seems selfish to take care of yourself, to even put your name on the list, what would people think of me If I did that?

 If it wasn't selfish, do you have permission?
... and on and on goes the list.

 Taking care of yourself is the first shift needed to shift from “doing to being.

 You realize that support will make this shift possible!

 You have had enough of the old way. It’s time to invest in yourself!

It turns out…. They were right!

I wasn’t in the here and now.  I was living in my head, plotting and planning the future.

 I took a lot of pride of not being one of those people that lived in the past. I was better than that, I lived in the future. I was far too busy “doing” everything that needed to be done for everyone except me. I had completely forgotten to put my name at the top of my list let alone anywhere on it.

Does this sound like you too?

You hear the calling, it’s been coming for quite sometime!

The lessons are getting bigger and there are real consequences attached!

You are feeling, empty inside - stuck and intuitively there must be another way.

Asking, How do I move forward when my path isn’t clear?

Are looking to get in touch with your authentic self.

Believe or want to believe anything is possible.

You are ready to invest in yourself!

I’ve been there and I am here for you. Ready to listen, help you connect the dots and find your unique path!

Hello Friend, I am Sue. I am an empowerment and fulfillment coach

Hi , I am Sue! I am an empowerment and fulfillment coach - ICF ACC Certified

I’m passionate about helping career driven women make the shift from “doing to being” while prioritizing themselves so that they can find and follow their path!

I know a lot about getting things done. This comes from over 30 years of project management experience. My mantra was “do, do, do” and let’s get it done - really fast. I was successful on the outside but, I felt empty inside. I knew there was something missing and hoped there was a better way.

You might be similar - “doing, doing, doing” and feeling empty inside. You are on your hero’s journey - and right now it might feel like you are heading in the wrong direction. I am guessing what you are experiencing is part of your path to get you to your beautiful story.

I believe you have a unique set of talents and a mission to fulfill that will make a positive difference in the world! It’s time to answer that call and take the next step for your path to unfold!