Hello, I’m Sue! 

I help introspective purpose-driven solopreneurs find clarity so they can show up as their best self, live their purpose, and serve more customers.

As a clarity and accountability coach, I have found a new path in life - and I know first hand the signposts of change in the transition from “doing, doing, doing” to “doing less and being more”.

I have moved from an event-driven to a process-driven life.

Where less is truly more. I return to the feeling of flow on a regular basis.

My professional background is in project management so I do know from the inside how to get things done. I have opened to a new path of combining my yin and yang energy together into an amazingly powerful combination.

After working my corporate job for decades, I decided to go all in on what I really wanted to do - coach soulful leaders and entrepreneurs.

I’ve been where you are — bouncing around between ideas without clarity on next steps. Asking: How in the world can I pull this off? Can I be the owner of my own business? 

Truthfully, I never really saw myself as an entrepreneur. In the past, I didn’t want to be visible in the world. My first business card literally did not have my name or phone number on it. I wasn’t ready.

After years of doing my own personal inner work, I’ve made it to the other side—and I know you can too. It starts with believing it’s possible to change. Even if you aren’t ready to believe it, I will for you.

I started coaching to make the world a better place and I am guessing that’s what you want too! When each of us “knows” that we are uniquely qualified to live our purpose, we are all a little better off. There is room for us all to shine uniquely. That’s what I want to help you do.

Together, we’ll walk through your journey to pick out your unique gifts, identify what has been holding you back, and make the small shifts that will yield incredible results and get you in a position where you are attracting the right clients to your business.

Through my own journey, I have come to “know” that your story uniquely qualifies you for your work in the world. You likely “know” the what and the why. You might have trouble articulating that or pulling the pieces together into a plan and I am here to help.

In my signature program, Taking Your Business to the Next Level, we will cover:

  •  Mindset

  • Business Clarity

  • Accountability 

  • Purpose-driven marketing

  • Value-based pricing

  • Pulling it all together into a plan

What Clients are saying

Tina S, Corporate Social Responsibility program manager

I’ve worked with Sue both in her capacity as a 1:1 coach and in a group coaching/facilitator setting - “she is the real deal”. In group settings, she is gifted at building trust and emotional intimacy amongst people who started off as strangers. She works well with different communication styles and creates a safe space for others to share their fears, worries, and to recognize patterns that may be hindering authentic happiness. Sue asks insightful questions that are informed by her own years of experience in both the professional and personal realms.

“I always walk away from my conversations with her feeling grounded, more aware and ready to take action”.

Tatyana S

“It’s unbelievable how Sue helped me to look inside of myself and better understand who I am and what I want. Each conversation we had resulted in an “Aha” moment! It was like peeling off layer by layer of uncertainty and complexity built up inside of me for many years. I learned where my fears are coming from and more importantly how to accept it and how to deal with it. I learned how to listen to myself and more importantly how to respect and trust that voice. I still don’t know how she did it because she didn’t even tell me much! Instead, she was guiding me (in a very clever way) to look at the world around me and at myself from a very different angle. I thank Sue very much for all the time she dedicated to me, because the results are priceless.”

Nathaniel M

 “Sue helped me find greater purpose and meaning to my life when going through divorce, job loss, and relocation. I needed a change but didn’t know what to do. Path Illuminator helped me lay out a plan for self-improvement and taught me to live in the moment. Today I have a successful career and feel fulfilled and thankful. I highly recommend life coaching and Path Illuminator to anyone feeling “stuck” and needing help finding your own path to self-improvement.”

My Story

My career path has included accounting, coordination, and project and program management. Those experiences help me understand many facets about what it takes to run a business.

 Around 49 – I hit a wall. Not literally but, the blow I got felt like I did. Everything in my life had been working beautifully up to that point. I played by the rules and knew how to win that game. The only thing is life is not a game and I felt like I was not living my life. The one that I was brought here to live. I didn’t want messy feelings touching me or my experience.

 During this phase I spent time in 12 step groups uncovering and walking through the messy parts of my life. I lost my Mom to Alzheimer’s and then again to kidney failure. I was in the room when she passed. It changed me. I went to a grief group for two years and then became a grief facilitator for three years. Part of my healing journey was listening to those in pain. I took a deep dive into my childhood neglect story and have come out the other side a stronger individual. I tell you this so you know that I understand. The details of our stories are likely different yet, yet the feelings are the same.