What is coaching anyway?
I realize as I walk through my conversations regarding coaching that many people are not quite sure what coaching is all about. So here goes.
Coaching is based on a co-equal relationship between coach and coachee. The client (coachee) is whole and complete and the answers lie within you. As a coach, my job is to raise your awareness about the truth that is held deep inside of you.
A coach is a thinking and accountability partner. We explore what is important to you. Your goals, your values, your struggles and your path to attain your goals. We co-create a plan and I keep you accountable to your plan.
I heard recently therapy takes you from dysfunctional to functional, life coaching level 1 takes you from functional to optimal and life coaching level 2 takes you from optimal to magnificent.
Life coaching level 1 - focuses on a path that achieves your goals without disrupting your beliefs, double binds and the things you fear or deny.
Life coaching level 2 - goes deeper than life coaching level 1. Here’s an example that illustrates the difference between the two.
My personal example - I want to be a successful life coach. In my coaching session with my coach, I decided that it was important to get business cards. I came up with by web-site name, pathilluminator. Had a logo created. Got a phone number with PATH in it. I then ordered and received my business cards. I reached my goal.
A week or so later I was talking to a trusted friend. She took one look at my card and said Sue, your name is not on your card! I said I know. I am not comfortable putting my name on my card. I didn’t really know why. What I did know is that I was certain I was not comfortable with putting my name on it. I told her, when I am ready I will do that.
The why came out in life coaching level 2. We (me and my coach) went deep and unearthed a deeply guarded secret I was keeping from myself. I didn’t want to outshine others and I didn’t want to be fully visible in the world.
In time, working this realization from a few angles I realized what I needed to do. The key issue for me was my lack of awareness. I now pay attention to each and every time I minimize my contributions or dim my light in the world. Then I have a choice of what to do in each situation. When it feels right, I don’t dim my light!
The beauty of coaching and the coaching relationship is that we co-create the solution that works best for you. If you are interested in exploring what that might look like for you give me a call or send me an email. You can find the information on my card! (Sue Meighan, coachsuem@comcast.net, 707-777-PATH)