Tips for navigating the holidays
We have entered the corridor between Halloween and New Year that is filled with holidays. It feels like life is always speeded up and full of stressors and that the holidays amplify that. There are a lot of external and internal pressures. Here are some timely tips to help you navigate the holidays. It might just slow you down to the present and allow you to make some new memories!
Make time for yourself - Check in with yourself and identify your wants and needs. What will make my holiday season fulfilling? What things do I want to say yes to? What things do I want to say no to?
Check in with your thoughts and feelings about the answers you came up with. Find a quiet place and spend some time reading and reflecting on your answers. Does the list feel good to you? Listen to your self. You might find that you know this list is good and right for you and simultaneously you start hearing the “but, I can’t”, “you really ought to”, etc type of phrases that come up.
Write down all of the “but, I can’t”, “you really ought to”, etc statements and put them aside. Physically take the list and put it someplace else, in another room. Leave the nay saying voices with the list.
Return to your quiet sanctuary and imagine your holidays with your wants and needs in place. Write down in as much detail as you can. How will you feel? What will this allow for? How will this be different than other holidays? What things will be easier? Will it make other things harder? Will this allow you to be more present?
With the picture of this new holiday in mind, what things do you need to do?
What order do they need to go in?
What support system do I need to put these things in place? Who can I get to help me?
Hoping this helps you and yours to have a more peaceful holiday season and that it provides you with an avenue to making new memories together.
If you found this useful reach out to set up a free 30 minute session to see if we have a fit.